As we learned during our October webinar, if you are planning to apply to medical school, extracurricular activities are crucial to participate in during high school and your bachelor’s degree. To paraphrase Dr. Renee Marinelli, for strong medical school applications, pre-meds will want to complete over 300 hours of non-clinical volunteering experience by the end of their junior year of college (for more specific information about extracurriculars, see this website from one of HSAFP’s partners).
Non-clinical volunteer examples include:
- Community service projects
- Tutoring and mentoring roles
- Volunteering at food pantries and homeless shelters
- Many, many other unique local opportunities!
Note that these volunteering hours are separate from the shadowing, clinical, leadership, or research experiences that you will also need to apply to medical school.
So, you might be wondering: how can I ensure that my volunteering experiences are what medical schools are looking for?
⏭️Proceed with the lessons below to learn more about this information and your monthly HSAFP goal!
Due Dates:
Volunteer Hours and Reflection Paragraphs Complete: Friday, January 10th
Message to the HSAFP Executive Team from HSAFP Presidents via Connect: Friday, January 24th