• meghana

    October 28, 2024 at 12:41 pm

    Hi! My name is Meghana Garige and you can just call me Meghana. I was born in the state Georgia Atlanta during the year 2010 and was raised there for about 2 to 3 years. I later then moved to California, stayed there until 2018 and then came to Mountain House. One current hobby that I enjoy is playing Volleyball. At first I really wasn’t that interested in it until I saw some fictional characters playing it. I’m interested in being a physician or my main dream, a surgeon. Right now I am interested in being a general surgeon because I always adored how people saved lives. Of course it will be a tough way but I made a promise to be it which I will never break. Also I made a bet and I hate losing :). Anyway, I hope I will enjoy this time with whoever I meet here!